Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Blood, Sweat and Avoiding the Big One

These things don't come together without a little blood (yeah), sweat and tears.  Every day you pick up the saw, the drill or even the pencil is an opportunity to screw up.  Job one is definitely about keeping all your body parts and most of the stuff that flows through them where it belongs.  I clearly recall tipping the keel over on its side using a chain fall and scaffolding to work on it.  As I delicately tipped everything just past the balance point, there was this "oh shit" moment when everything took on a life of its own- I had neglected to put the pads on the bottom of the scaffolding legs and the weight of the keel tipping over now drove the scaffolding legs into the ground like tent stakes tipping the whole set up at a precarious angle with me sitting underneath crossing all my fingers and toes that I might somehow survive to add more things to the keel.  So, I'm still here but it was definitely a wake up call.   Rule 1, don't make mistakes that you can't survive!

Footnote- So after  posting this I conked myself in the head with a crow bar!  What can I say?


  1. More pictures!
    Important lesson there. Are you working alone or do you have others around?

  2. Yes ! I have worked alone but currently have a helper for the summer. I have a fair number of pics that I will post over the summer that will both catch us up on what has transpired and keep us current on what's going on. Thanks for checking in.
