Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Blue sky or building shed?

So, building a good sized boat presents certain logistical and locational challenges.  Stating the obvious, you need a place to build.  That place needs sufficient trailer access such that when you are done you can move it as opposed to the dismal alternative.  It should be right where you live because if you have the added disincentive of having to schlep yourself, tools and supplies to some remote location, this thing ain't ever going to happen.  And you know you will need something essential that you didn't bring and that will ultimately drive you to frequent the nearest tavern rather than working on the boat.

Most builders will tell you have to build in some kind of work shed.  Honestly, there are lots of advantages to that.  Others have built under the blue sky and lived with the compromises that brings.  The first photo is my friend Joe's boat building shed- he is building the 44' version of the D-Duck (mine is the 48').  The second photo is my location- the "blue sky" option.  I will discuss some of the pros and cons of each in a subsequent post, but in the end I said no to the shed as it would have had to be so big (55'X 24' X  20' high) I couldn't buy into it.   Given the meteorology of my field, I was pretty sure that I would have constructed the state's largest box kite if I had gone with the shed.  This was the first decision of millions that follow the golden rule of boat building- everything, EVERY THING, is a compromise.

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