They say it takes a community to raise a kid, and honestly it takes one to build a boat too. I met my friend Joe through the a web forum called "Backyard Boat Builders" which is populated by a number of builders building Buehler designed vessels as well as as an assortment of other home builders. I have found much solace and a modicum of good advice here when I have been on the fence on any of a number of building "mother may I" questions.
Joe, to his credit is fond of Maine and usually makes an annual foray up north from his home state of NJ. We met several years ago through the forum and have gotten together several times in Maine and in one visit down to NJ to see his undertaking- an awesome 44 foot Diesel Duck.
I had seen lots pictures of both the commercial built steel versions of the Duck as well as photos of Dan Gill's Duck and pictures of Joe's Duck in various stages of construction. I have to state the obvious that there is nothing like being there and when I went down to NJ for a visit to see Joe and his project, I was awestruck by what he had already done, what I aspired to accomplish and actually stand and walk around on and in the hull very similar to the ship I was building.
Honestly, physically seeing what Joe had accomplished was the ultimate kick in the pants. Seeing what he had done was such an inspiration AND he has been such an invaluable source of advice and encouragement... Period. Not only do I feel like I have a colleague, I have found a good friend. This boat building stuff is tricky, but it does have its rewards.
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